Find Substance Use Therapists In Pleasant Ridge, Michigan

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Pleasant Ridge, MI Substance Use Therapists

Porsche Carlisle

Porsche Carlisle

Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)

I am a children and family therapist licensed in Michigan with experience working as a clinical case manager and therapist. I have worked with at risk youth for 15 years in different capacities with a wide range of concerns including depression, an[...]

Pleasant Ridge, MI
Online Counseling Available
Patrick  Murphy

Patrick Murphy

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

I am a Michigan-based outpatient therapist who has been in the field since 2018. I work with clients of all ages, who predominantly struggle with anxiety, depression, mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anger, and I do so from a traum[...]

Pleasant Ridge, MI
Online Counseling Available
Constance Averill

Constance Averill

Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)

ABOUT ME If you are exploring Betterhelp, it is likely that you are wanting to make some changes in your life. Finding the right therapist to help you achieve your goals is important. I want to provide you with information about me that will help y[...]

Pleasant Ridge, MI
Online Counseling Available