15 Ways To Build A Growth Mindset
Published on December 15th, 2020
Updated on January 3rd, 2024
Developing a growth mindset is a common buzz phrase used in schools and businesses. A growth mindset is a way of thinking which emphasizes the ability to grow. But what does that really mean? And how do we do that? Here are 15 ways to help you build your grown mindset.
1) Determine What A Growth Mindset Means
A growth mindset is a belief in your ability to grow and improve the skills you already possess. It is a belief that you can learn and get better by working hard, focusing on your strengths, and developing your weaknesses. Think about that definition and parts of your life come to mind as areas you can improve your growth mindset.
2) Notice Your Fixed Patterns
The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. This type of mindset tells you that we have a particular set of skills, and those are the only skills you will ever be able to use. A fixed mindset focuses on what you can’t do, rather than how to learn and improve. We all experience fixed patterns at some point, and identifying them can help you to change your language around them.
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Click Here3) Define Failure
Many people have a big fear of failure! The fear is so big; it often keeps people from trying at all. So, what is a failure for you? Is failure not trying? Is failure having to change the plan and try something different? Is failure looking silly or being laughed at? If you can define failure for yourselves, you can learn ways to grow when that definition of failure happens.
4) What Did You Learn
After a failure has been defined, you can evaluate what you learned from those moments. If you define failure as being too afraid to try something new, you can develop a strategy to be scared and do it anyway.
5) Notice Your Words
This one is important! Notice the words you are saying to yourself and about yourself. When asked what you do for work, do you excitedly talk about your accomplishments and goals, or do you downplay your work? Is the message in your head telling you that you are too broke, too stupid, or not good enough to grow and reach your goals? If this sounds familiar, its time to catch those negative thoughts and CHANGE THEM! Yes, you can and should change the way you talk to yourselves! Even if you don’t believe if, at first, change the words and keep changing them until you believe the message.
6) Correct Yourself
As you notice the messages in your head and the fixed patterns in your mindset, you can change them. You can stop mid-thought and say, “wait, no. I am not stupid. I am smart enough to reach out to people for help with things I do not know.” You can notice mistakes you made at work on in a conversation and correct it without belittling yourself.
7) Use the word “yet”
“I don’t know how to do this… yet.” “I haven’t been successful at this… yet.” The word yet is very powerful. It reminds you that you still have time to learn, and you are not stuck in the moment forever. You just haven’t done it yet.
8) Decide What You Want
If you want to continue to grow in certain areas of your life, you need to decide which areas are important to you. If, for example, you have no desire to own your own business, focusing on goals and development to make you a business owner are not going to help you to grow. If you don’t want it, you will not work for it! Decide what you want to be when you grow.
9) Try Something New
Try something new that you have always wanted to do. Try something that scares you. Try something you never thought you would like. Trying new things opens your mind to new possibilities and helps you to see yourself succeed.
10) Trust the Process
Building a growth mindset does not happen overnight. There will be times when you find yourself stuck in “I can’t” mode. Notice the experience and make a change. Building a growth mindset is not a one-time event; it’s an ongoing, daily practice.
11) Be Realistic
Be realistic about your expectations. If your definition of success is to have $1 million in the bank by next week, you will probably fail! Learning and growing and reaching your goals takes time and a mindset willing to grow and change with the good and bad.
12) Embrace Imperfection
You are not perfect, and you will not ever be perfect (yeah, I said it. Take a deep breath all you perfectionists, you will be okay!). Use your imperfection to grow and identify the areas you want to get better, and the areas you are okay with being less talented!
13) Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude helps you to focus on the positive things in your life. It reminds you that you are not alone and have things to be proud of, even when you have not yet, reached your goals.
14) Seek Support
Place someone in your life to ‘check you.’ Find a person willing to challenge your fixed patterns and remind you when you focus on the negative and not the process.
15) Accept Yourself
Practice accepting yourself as imperfect and independent of others. The approval of others will not improve your goals, dreams, or growth mindset.
Developing a growth mindset takes time and practice. By focusing on your abilities and your ability to make changes in your life, you can develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset will help you to reach your goals by keeping your mind in a positive and forward-focused direction.
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