What Is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Published on October 7th, 2020
Updated on January 8th, 2024
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a condition in which a person has different personalities. This condition was previously known as multiple personality disorder. People with Dissociative Identity Disorder have different personalities.
People with Dissociative Identity Disorder struggle with the experience of having one or more personalities. These personalities can take control of the body. Alternate personalities may be referred to as a Personality State (PS). These PS’s take control of the affected person.
A person with Dissociative Identity Disorder may have one or more PS. Each Personality State will have its own characteristics and preferences. They may have their own names, friends, and hobbies.
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Click HereThe PS’s can also have different mannerisms and methods of coping. Each state may be responsible for handling different moments of stress.
Example: An Personality State may take control of the affected person in a moment of high stress. This is often due to the affected person not being able to cope with the stress themselves.
Dissociative identity disorder can be scary for an affected person. It can cause blackouts or lapses in memory. The affected person is often left unaware of the PS’s. This can cause a struggle with getting a proper diagnosis and treatment. Identification, diagnosis, and treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder can be successful.
Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder
The symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder can be distressing for a person. The condition causes many scary symptoms. Oftentimes the affected person does not know what is happening to them. They will experience blackouts, memory lapses, and more. This is due to a Personality State taking control of conscious awareness. When this happens, the affected person enters a dormant state.
An affected person will be distressed by their blackouts if they do know they have DID. This is because they are not aware of their personality states.
The main symptom of Dissociative Identity Disorder is having at least one PS. This Personality State will have its own personality, behaviors, and interests.
They will have independent thoughts and methods of handling challenges. They often have their own names, though may present themselves as the affected person.
The following are other common symptoms of DID:
- Difficulty with managing stress
- Trouble with relationships
- Lapses of conscious awareness and loss of memory
- Alternating methods of coping with stress
- Headaches or unexplained pains
- Depersonalization and derealization
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia or hypersomnia
- Substance use
- Impulsivity
- Self-harm
- Alcohol abuse
Those who are close to the affected person may notice symptoms as well. Some symptoms that a loved one may observe include:
- Seemingly dramatic mood swings
- Drastic changes in personality
- Differing levels of intellect or functionality
- Inconsistent methods of relating to people
- Odd and erratic behaviors
- Not remembering recent events, as though they never happened
Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder
A person will develop Dissociative Identity Disorder in reaction to intense prolonged abuse. Abuse leaves emotional scars on people. The abuse is so severe that the affected person cannot cope. This affects their physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
As a result, a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder will create an alternate PS. This Personality State becomes responsible for handling the moments of trauma and abuse.
People with Dissociative Identity Disorder typically will have experienced prolonged abuse beginning during early childhood. This abuse will be intense and inescapable. It will be so severe that it will alter the child’s emotional and mental development.
Such situations that may cause a person to develop a Personality State include:
- Prolonged neglect
- Recurrent incidents of sexual abuse
- Physical abuse and violence
- Emotional abuse and/or neglect
- Recurring incidents of life-threatening experiences
- Lack of support, protection or intervention from a parent or guardian
Treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative identity disorder is treatable, but treatment takes time to complete. When completed successfully, treatment can have a life-changing impact on them. People with Dissociative Identity Disorder need to seek therapy for their condition.
A mental health professional who specializes in Dissociative Identity Disorder should be involved in treatment. Typically, a condition of Dissociative Identity Disorder needs to be treated by a doctorate-level professional.
Treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder is a process. It will take time and commitment. It will be challenging but can teach an affected person skills for coping. A person in treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder will explore different things with their therapist. Such things include:
- Healthy coping skills for stress, anxiety, and depressed mood
- Relaxation and mindfulness skills that promote distress tolerance
- Self-esteem, personal value exploration, and self-care
- Healthy patterns of thought that reduce the risk of self-harm
Treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder will also include cooperation between the PS’s. Each Personality State will need to participate in treatment. They will learn about managing emotions and establishing healthy coping skills. They will also work together to establish goals for themselves.
A challenge will be allowing the affected person to confront their PS’s. This can be a challenging process for all PS’s involved. Sometimes, they may choose to fuse. Other times, they may choose to remain independent from each other.
A primary goal is often cooperation between the PS’s. Fusion and unification are not necessary. Some may choose to complete the unification process.
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