Simple Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better

Published on January 19th, 2021

Updated on January 3rd, 2024

Simple Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better

Life can throw us a lot of curveballs. Sometimes it can be hard to feel okay while everything in your life is becoming overwhelming. It is also possible to not feel okay, even if everything in your life is going according to plan. Even the happiest and most put together of people do not feel okay sometimes, so it is natural for anyone to feel blue, overwhelmed, or even underwhelmed. What matters most is not striving to be happy, but rather to know how to take care of yourself when you are feeling sad, low, anxious or angry.

Emotions can be the opposite of logic. Even if a situation calls for you to feel one way, your emotions can cause you to feel another way. There can be many reasons for this, depending on your self-esteem, belief system, life goals and social support.

It is important to know that it is okay to not feel okay sometimes, as long as you know the steps you can take to help yourself feel better. There are things you can do to help yourself feel better right now, as long as you are willing to believe in yourself and put in the effort to take authority over your situation.

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Cancel Your Plans

A common reason that people hit a low in their mood is that they are feeling burnt out. Burnout is a real experience people go through, and it can cause you to feel a low or upsetting mood. When we spread ourselves too thin or commit to too many things at once, we end up neglecting our own need for space and personal boundaries.

To prevent burnout, it is important to be realistic about what you say ‘yes’ to and how much you take on. Of course, you are human, so sometimes you will take on too much without realizing it. If you are feeling fatigued or exhausted, take a day to yourself. Cancel your plans with friends and consider taking a mental health day. A day to rest and recover can help you feel better quickly. 

Get Out And Get Active

Whatever is troubling you will only continue to affect you for as long as you allow it to sit in your mind. Of course, some thoughts and worries are easier to overcome than others, but putting the effort in to draw a limit to how much you let your worries affect you can make a big difference in how you feel overall.

A great way you can distract yourself from any upset feelings or anxieties you have is to get out and get active. Whether it is a trip to the gym, a walk or jog around the block, or a spontaneous venture to a new place for dinner, getting active can help you relieve stress and get your mind off of your worries.

Phone A Friend

Social support is a critical component to good mental health. Friends and family can provide support for you when you are feeling low. Insight and comfort from others helps to boost mood, and friends can help you to get out of your own head for a while. A phone call to a friend or family member can work wonders for helping you feel better. Even if you do not want to talk about what is bothering you, hearing a friendly voice can help get your mind off of the heavy stuff.

Get Back To Basics

When all else fails, or when you are feeling too overwhelmed to talk, be active, or make decisions, get back to basics. Getting back to basics means clearing away all of your mental clutter by only focusing on what you immediately need in the exact moment. Serving your basic needs can be a helpful way to feel better quickly. A basic need is considered to be something that you need to sustain yourself. 

This can include the following:

Getting back to basics also includes methods of self-care. Self-care should be a priority for everyone, so if you find yourself neglecting your own self-care, you may need to get back to basics. Neglecting, ignoring or overlooking your own self-care needs can lead you down a path to burnout, emotional sensitivity, or difficulty with managing stress.

Being mindful and attentive to your self-care needs helps you take care of your physical, mental and emotional health. It can also help you with your personal goals by setting boundaries and realistic expectations for what you can accomplish.

You should always be a priority in your own life, and it is okay to put yourself and your own needs before those of others. It is also okay to take a break from hard work to recover and feel mentally energized. All of this together can help you recover from low feelings and feel better quickly.

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