Is There A Connection Between Weight Loss & Sleep?

Published on December 9th, 2020

Updated on January 7th, 2024

Weight Loss & Sleep: Is There A Connection?

Weight loss is a constant battle fought by millions. Losing weight is hard and keeping it off can be even harder. There are all of these quick weight loss options, such as pills, supplements, surgery, food buying programs, and more. These options can be costly. In the event, these options are utilized many times, the results are usually temporary or nonexistent.

Several studies recommend exercise, controlled food intake, eliminating certain foods, drink plenty of water, and getting enough sleep to lose weight. These options are less expensive than the former; however, they usually take longer to show results, and it can be questionable if they genuinely work. Will sleep really help with weight loss? How do I add more sleep into my already busy schedule? What is considered enough sleep to aid with weight loss? These are the questions the millions fighting weight loss are contemplating.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is the reduction of body weight due to the loss of body fat and sometimes the loss of protein and other body elements. Nevertheless, the goal for most people is the loss of body fat. Body fat is tissue cells made up of oily or greasy matter that causes the body to distend in unflattering ways. All body fat is not bad, but the body fat that needs to be reduced for weight loss is bad. This body fat can also be the most stubborn. However, research shows that sleep can help decrease this stubborn body fat.

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Sleep is an altered state of consciousness with relatively reduced muscle, sensory, and interaction with surrounding activities. In laymen’s terms, it is lying down with closed eyes where the mind is not thinking, and the body is not active. The key is that everything is at rest.

The human body needs an adequate amount of sleep to maintain hormone levels, specifically the Leptin and Ghrelin hormones. The Leptin hormone releases fat cells and signals the brain that the body is full and no longer hungry, while Ghrelin increases the appetite and feeling of hunger.

Inadequate sleep is linked to obesity in both children and adults. Insufficient sleep can boost appetite, likely due to the impact of the hormones that signal hunger and fullness. Inadequate sleep can reduce self-control and decision-making skills. Inadequate sleep has also been connected to increased intake of fats and carbs. Insufficient sleep significantly changes the way the body reacts to food.

There is a correlation between proper sleep and weight loss. Each individual varies on the amount of sleep needed; however, the average amount of sleep needed for adults is at least seven hours per night. The decision to sacrifice sleep for massive To-Do lists will reap more consequences than expected. The unexpected potential consequences are sleep disorders, quality of sleep, weight gain, and obesity.

Benefits Of Sleep

Benefits Of Sleep

Decrease Calorie Intake – Proper sleep reduces hunger signals and pains, which results in consuming fewer calories. The time spent sleeping significantly reduces the time spent awake and eating. Inadequate sleep usually involves a lot of time in the late-night hours being inactive, such as reading or watching TV. This is a common time for snacking and a disregard for portion control.

Increase Resting Metabolism – The number of calories burned while the body is at complete rest is the Resting Metabolism Rate. Many people do not know that the body burns calories while sleeping. Sleep deprivation can cause these calories burned to come from muscles instead of fat. It is well-known that the goal of weight loss is to lose fat and gain muscle.

Boost Physical Activity – Daytime fatigue is a chronic problem of not getting the proper amount of sleep. Adequate rest provides the energy and motivation needed for exercise and physical activity during the day. Research has shown that increased hours in sleep improves physical performance.

When sleep is deprived from the body, the body reacts by trying to conserve energy. The energy is conserved by storing high levels of the body’s energy source, which is fat. Extended sleep deprivation can reduce weight loss progress by as much as 50%, regardless of diet and fitness.

Sleep is more important to one’s overall health than most realize. The easiest way to understand the purpose of sleep is to consider sleep as a Reset Button. When sleeping, the body replenishes its energy levels lost during the day. Similar to all the electronic devices we love so much, our bodies need to return to our default settings as much as possible.

There are no quick fixes to weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race in weight loss. Eat healthily, be active, and most importantly, establish healthy sleep habits to maintain a healthy weight. This race will eventually lead to a life-long lifestyle change.

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